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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
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With Cichlids, get a game plan together before you stock your tank. Think about mature size of all your fish and be ready to supply them with an appropriate size tank as they grow...and they will grow fast. Also, if you buy similar size fish as babies, they will stay relatively peacefull as they grow up. All agressive cichlids will quarrel from time to time but this is a good way to avoid all out combat. After you get your clan going for awhile, dont bring new fish in or they might well be outcasted, tortured, and if left unchecked, killed. Im still new to this so im learning new stuff every day. Ill share as much as i can along the way.
Fish Kept:
125 Gallon has 1 x Green Texas, 1 x Red Peacock, 1 x Electric Blue Hap, 1 x Frontosa, 1 x Gold Saum/Green Terror, 1 x Tiger Oscar, and 1 x Pleco. 30 Gallon has 1 x Frontosa, 1 x Gold Saum/Green Terror, and 1 x Turquoise Severum. Though these fish arent from the same regions they have been raised together since they were very small and have become aclimated to the same water conditions, temperatures, and environments.
All fake plants but im thinking of trying some live ones soon.
Tank Size:
30 gallons
About Yourself:
6 months in and totally addicted to cichlids. I have two tanks, one 30 gal. and one 125 gal, that i will post up now and then. Im always changing environments so keep your eyes peeled for updated pics on the regular.