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This picture looks better than 17.36% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.16
This picture has been rated : 126 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
A 55 Gallon special from Petco. It has everything in the kit that is need to start a great hobby.
Think about what you want, before you do it.
Fish Kept:
Assoriated African Cichlids
All Fake Plants, Fake driftwood, and different stones
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I started out with a community 10 gallon tank. It was fun for a while till i wanted to go bigger. Then i bought a 30 gallon,had that for a bit. then went bigger to a 55gallon. Now i have a sunfish and bottle mouth in my 30. Im a union carpenter so a stand/top were no problem to make.