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This picture looks better than 21.22% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.26
This picture has been rated : 99 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
United States
Community tank 48X12X21
Bought tank hood and stand used. Repainted stand and hood and add door pulls. Used sand substrate and live plants. T12 daylight fluorescent light. 2 20" CCF true blue lights for background. Rena XP3 Filter. Marineland 250 Watt Stealth heater.
Find out how to do a fishless cycle.
Fish Kept:
6 Dwarf Rainbow
2 Bosemani Rainbow
6 glow light Danio
5 Zebra Danio
1 Fancy Beta
1 Albino bristle nose (Fat Freddy)
Java Mass
Java Fern
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I started with a 10gal tank for my boy and found out how much I loved taking care of it. Upgraded to 37 gal (big mistake). I found out I am OCD with my tanks. Upgraded to 55 with sand. I have to clean the sand every day I can't help myself. I missed 1 day in the 2 months the 55 has been up and I could not sleep knowing the sand was dirty.