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This picture looks better than 15.37% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.11
This picture has been rated : 161 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
I have a beautiful freshwater fish tank. I love it. 75 litre about 20 galon. 2 floor filtration. about 40cm grape branch and my fishes love it. 5 kg white sea gravel. some nice shells and stones. internal thermometer. one 5w air pomp. fishes :1 dwarf gourami . 2 molly (male and female) . 2 guppy (male and female) . 1 plecos (algae eater)
first think about the size of the tank. where do you want place your tank. and think about a table or a desk or something that you want to place under the tank. begin with cheap fishes.
Fish Kept:
Golden Sailfin Molly, Dwarf Gourami, Common Pleco , Guppy
Tank Size:
20 gallons
aquarium = joy
About Yourself:
I love animals. I love aquariums. I love fishes.