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The Average Score for this category is: 4.07
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United States
90 Gallon 2-filtration systems, 39 Gallon Eclipse, 15 Gallon Eclipse, 10 Gallon Eclipse Hex.
Search sites for compatibility charts, Killed my Goldfish w/ accidental overdose of food--decayed in stomach before digested. "Less is More". Not usually experts @ "Big Box" stores- look for trusted specialist @ LFS--best to go online chat groups.
Fish Kept:
90 gallon: 3 BP's, 10 assorted Tetras, 2 Leporius, 5 female Bettas, 1 male Betta, 2 Corys, AE. 39 Gallon: 3 Angels, Platys, Pleco, Mollies. 15 gallon: 1 male Betta, 4 Neons, AE, 1 ADF. 10 gallon Hex: 1 Spotted Puffer.
Fake plants, Driftwood, Clay & Ceramic pots -- LOTS of hiding places, Floating fake plants on top.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
"always wear shoes you can run in " !
About Yourself:
New hobby to deal with stress. Learned from my brother, began with Bettas, then Goldies in a 10 gallon. Found tanks thru Craig's List for much less than LFS, 2 rescue dogs, 4 rescue cats, blessed to own a horse ! Retail store visual merchandise manager. Yoga & Pilates.