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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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55 gallon, 185 watts flourecent lighting, Eco complete substrate, Flourite for Glosso, flouval 304 cannister, 12W Ultra Violet sterilizer, 25% weekly water changes. Fertilize daily with Flourish, Flourish Excel, Flourish Potassium, Flourish Trace, Flourish Iron, Flourish Phosphate, Flourish Nitrogen.
There will be times when you'll feel so frustrated that you may consider giving up! DON'T! The end result is worth it. Learn from your mistakes! And remember... there is NO fool proof system when trying to re-create a peice of nature in your livingroom, but you can eventually succeed by trial and errer and a little perseverance.
Fish Kept:
8 Ottos, 3 Flying fox, 5 Amano shrimp, 4 Clown loaches, 2 Yoyo loaches, 10 Cardinal tetras, 10 Glowlight tetras, 2 Hatchet fish, 1 Leopard Pleco.
Aponogeton crispus, Crypocoryne wendtii, Cryptocoryne willisii, Echinodorus amazonicus, Nymphaea lotus, Nymphoides aquatica, Sagittaria subulata, Cobomba caroliniana, Didiplis diandra, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Hydrocotyle leucocephala, Hygrophila difformis, Ludwig repens, Microsorium pteropus, Riccia fluitans, Vesicularia dubyana, Alternanthera reineckii, Bacopa caroliniana, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Hygrophila polysperma, Rotala rotundifolia, Cabomba piauhyensis, Glossostigma.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
"If at first you don't succeed try, try again"
About Yourself:
Started with a 20 gallon tank full of fancy gold fish about ten years ago, then got into African Cichlids for a while. I was going to start up a salt water reef aquarium untill I saw a beautiful picture of a planted aquarium on the back cover of my Aquarium Usa magasine (2004 Issue) The rest is history.