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The Average Score for this category is: 5.07
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United Kingdom
Ths is a Fluval Roma 125 tank which like evryone elses tank started as a small project and ended up a a great hobby and now has live plant and a good range of community fish
Things take time to develop you can just fill up a tank and stick fish in it, try to wait as long as possible to let the tank cycle and mature
Fish Kept:
2Red Coral Platties 3red tipped tetras 2phantom tetras, 5Lemon Tetras 2clown loach 2african dwarf frog 1black balloon molly 1albinopleco 8Neons 3Rummyroses 3Flayal Guppys 3whiteskirt tetras 1harlequin
Mainly Valis and a couple of ferns wirh a 14 day soaked piece of bog wood
Tank Size:
27 gallons