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This picture looks better than 42.33% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.07
This picture has been rated : 43 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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United States
50 gallon tall 36 x 15 1/2 x 24
connected to a 40 galllon UniQuarium with built-in wet/dry. The 40 gallon's Wet/dry is half-filled with live rock and the other half is composed of bio balls. It is filled with more than 6 inches of sand and live rock that takes up half of the remaining space. Lighting is an Outer Orbit HQI 150watt with 2 PC's and 4 LEDs.
Patience is a virtue.
Give your dead fish a proper burial - say a prayer before you flush them. Buy a large predatory fish. Instead of flushing your fish, feed it to another.
Prepare to spend more than five (5) times your budget towards your tank... maybe 10.
If you crash your tank, your fish will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Fish Kept:
Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Arabian pseudochromis, blue green chromis, golden maroon clown, neon goby, fire fish.
acropora, frogspawn, torch, pineapple brain, pumping xenia, mushrooms, leather, Christmas tree rock, blastos, zoos, star polyps, clam,
Tank Size:
50 gallons
Shit Happens.
About Yourself:
I've been in the hobby for almost 20 years. 10 of them was spent doing everything wrong. Stupid fish tanks never came with an owner's manual anyway.