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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
I think it's a 44 or 45 gallon- trapezoid shaped tank (acrylic).
Go to a fish store where the staff know what they're talking about - and listen. Fish temperments, health, water conditions, etc.. Do what's right for our finned friends.
Also- if you're planning on using driftwood, be aware that you will have orange water.... even after soaking / treating it.
Fish Kept:
2 turquoise rainbows, 1 bulldog plecko, an awesome loach, 1 female beta, 2 rams, 2 phantom tetras, 6 rasbora tetras, and one cool blue shrimp.
Tank Size:
45 gallons
La Illaha IllAllah.
About Yourself:
Love my fishies... They're usually more entertaining that the TV! :)