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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
36 gallon Aqueon Bowfront, Marineland 200 Power Filter, Undergravel Filter,150 Watt Aqueon Heater, Flourescent Light. 50 pounds of river gravel, artificial plants (val and anacharis), 4 pieces of Mopani wood.
Take your time setting up a new tank. PATIENCE! IS THE KEY.Do your research... I started my home aquarium Oct 12, 2011 with 11 African Cichlids (Lake Malawi) 2 Synodontis catfish and 1 Bristle Nose Catfish. After all the agressiveness and tearing up the tank, I sold them and now I am setting up the tank for 4 Discus and the Bristle Nose Catfish. A real chore with getting the water chemistry just right all over again.Discus require just the opposite water chemistry than do the African Cichlids. PATIENCE!!
Fish Kept:
Two Red Discus and two Turquoise Discus and one Bristle Nose Catfish and 4 Green Corey catfish.
All artificial Vals and Anacharis. Four pieces of Mopani Wood.
Tank Size:
36 gallons
About Yourself:
Retired after 25 years in the Army, 8 years in Law Enforcement. Owned and operated a Full Line Pet Shop in Oklahome for 8 years. Fresh and saltwater fish, Exotic Birds, Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Dog Grooming, Reptiles and snakes Pet Supplies to include fish tanks, bird cages etc. also sold feeder goldfish, crickets, rats and mice.