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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
215L (48g) Aqua One AR980 tank with 3 stage trickle filter built into the hood. 3 indivually switched lights in hood (2 fluo, 1 marine) Lots of rock with a crushed coral substrate.
160L Blockhead Cichlid tank, Fluval 4+ internal filter with a crushed coral substrate & pebbles & slates for caves
Be patient when setting up, research the fish you want (don't be afraid to ask for advice!) Regular water changes, but most of all, take time to enjoy it.
Fish Kept:
3 x Yellow Labs, 3 x Red Zebra's, 4 x Red Top Hongis, 2 x Rusty's & 4 x Saulosi, 2 x Fuelleborni & 1 x Bristlenose Plec.
4 x Blockhead Cichlids & 1 x Bristlenose plec
Tank Size:
48 gallons
How much!