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This picture looks better than 36.36% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.62
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
fresh water 55 gallon...cheap lighting...just running 330 prnguin bio-wheel power filter.....(2) 1140 powerheads into underground filter.
Read about the fish you want to keep and what they need to thrive....not just survive.
Fish Kept:
I keep a very aggressive fish with no room for error. I have put these fish in very careful and pulled out some for bad behavoir. Convect, (2) Jack Dempsy, up-side down cattfish, african cichlid.
I picked out my rock from a lava flow from Mt Mazama. I enjoy the hike and fresh air.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Life is to short to do nothing!!
About Yourself:
Well it started with gold fish for my daughter 15 yrs ago. Then I got bored with them and wanted a fish that would eat them. I got a convict for 5 bucks. This fish had a cool personality. I read about them and got africans to go with him. Then I had to get a bigger tank. My hunger for learning and watching was intense. I went from a 10 gallon to a 29, then 55. Then I started saltwater tanks. At this time my pet stores had little or no help. So I learned from trial and error. At one time I had 7 tanks and started my own business cleaning tanks. Now It has been 15 yrs I have cut back to 3 tanks. Looking into nano reef tank for the bedroom.