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This picture looks better than 3.8% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.9
This picture has been rated : 164 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United States
A 20 gallon tank 1x1x2 foot tank pretty much all tetra equipment tubular lights tetra 15-20 gallon filtration sysytem
Never over feed fish. And pop open bag and just throw fish in tank they'll go into shock two mistakes i did when first started getting into it.
Fish Kept:
(1)clown knife (2)drawf gourami (4)molly's (2)neon tetra's (2)glow light tetra's (2)glow fish (2)cory cat's (2)algae eaters and (1) soft shelled turtle
(4) assorted grass's and ect...
Tank Size:
20 gallons
Once I wasn't, Then I was, Now I not again???
About Yourself:
mom raised me always waz by the water fishing anything from sea trout, grouper, wahoo, to bull's & hammer head shark's so by 13 i really got into fishing and I added on housing fish in aquarium's now which I found fun en