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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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New York
United States
65 Gallon rectangular tank on a large stand I bought from petco
Penguin 350 HOB filter
12" air bar from large whisper pump
Coralife fluorescent light (I can't remember the name or the output)
Heater (only if it gets too cold in my apartment)
generous layer of medium sized gravel
2 pieces of driftwood
3 medium sized pieces of Tufa rock
Fish Kept:
In my main tank:
3 Pearl Gouramis
3 gold dojo loaches
2 adult male african clawed frogs
1 tiger barb
3 siamese algae eaters
2 plecostomus
1 crayfish
2 red platys
1 Otocinclos
8 glass catfish
In a separate tank, I have an adult Senegal Bichir (Polypterus Senegalus). I can't put him in my larger tank because he'll eat the other fish. He's looking for a new home!
In a fishbowl on my counter I have a moontail betta, an African dwarf frog and a baby African clawed frog.
Several plants - Wisteria, onion and 2 other kinds I can't remember the names of
Tank Size:
65 gallons