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This picture looks better than 80.68% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.07
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New York
United States
55 gallon freshwater tank with 5 discus, a pair of cockatoo cichlids, 15 cardinal tetra, 3 corydoris and 3 otos. Fluval 305 external canister filter and a marineland stealth heater.
Do your homework it saves you money and stress as well as beauty by planning.
Fish Kept:
discus, german blue ram, neon, black neon, glolight, cardinal, serpae tetra, corydoris, guppies, gourami, pleco, amano shrimp, black mystery snail.
all artificial but i wish i had put in real plants its alot more beneficial.
Tank Size:
55 gallons