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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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New York
United States
This is just the regular AGA 10 gallon glass tank. I used a mix of fine white and blue gravel from petland discounts, a mix of silk and plastic plants, Aqueon quietflow 10 and hagen elite mini filter (used to improve circulation and act as ammonia filter since I place ammo chips in it), LED strip lights (daylight and moonlight set with timers), Pennplax auto feeder.
Research, research and lots of research before starting up. Be patient and don't rush setting up your tank.
Fish Kept:
10 neon tetras, 5 cherry barbs, 2 Gold pristella tetras, 1 neon blue dwarf gourami, 1 small veil angel, 1 otocinclus catfish
Silk and plastic plants
Tank Size:
10 gallons