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This picture looks better than 40.46% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.71
This picture has been rated : 90 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
125 litres fluval roma. with original lighting and U3 underwater filter, added cheap air pump for Decoration. and eheim 2213 classic external filter, for extra filtration.
Play by the rules,
Fish Kept:
12 Neon Tetras
fake as iam fairly new to this getting a planted tank soon
Tank Size:
30 gallons
what doesnt kill you makes you vulnerable to disease
About Yourself:
my mother inlaw 4 months ago bought a common goldfish and put it in one of those kiddy plastic tanks, i started thinking about it how unhappy the goldfish looked in there. searched the internet on goldfish fishtanks and BOY! was i right, after a week of reading, about fishtanks and fishes. i persuaded my wife to get a fishtank. she agreed on the basis it would be a marine tank. after showing her the costs involved in getting marine, she happily agreed to a tropical, decorated in marine style. in a way iam glad i saw that goldfish, otherwise i would have never found my hobby. and when my mother in law saw how nice our tank was, she asked me to get her a big tank so she can decorate it and make it a feature in her living room. I GOT HER A NICE BIG SECONDHAND 75 gallon tank, after some clever persuasion, she agreed. so currently EVERYONES HAPPY. my wife for a marine style tank my 12 neons for having the tank to themselves my mother inlaw for showing off her fishtank to EVERYONE!!
and most of all, who started all this. THE COMMON GOLDFISH. who now lives in a 75 gallon tank with a friend!