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This picture looks better than 50.37% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.82
This picture has been rated : 128 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
More Info
North Dakota
United States
All Glass Aquarium: Eheim 2215 Canister Filter: All Glass 200W Heater: Natural Rock: All Live lants: Driftwood: 110 W 2X55 High Output Power Compact Flourescent lighting (9000K): DIY CO2: Eco-Complete Substrate.
We have learned that researching the internet and getting advice from other hobbyists is very beneficial. Take any advice you can get. The forums are a great start.
Fish Kept:
Guppies, Corydora, Pleco, Tiger Barb, Eastern Musk Turtle
Microsword, Amazon Sword Plant, Moneywort, Wisteria, Mondo Grass, Red Ludwigia, Red Temple, Java Moss.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Graduating college in 4 years is like leaving a party at 11.
About Yourself:
My fiance and I live in North Dakota. I am a Network Specialist and she is a Pharmacy Technician. We got into this hobby because we both loved fish as kids. Having never had more than a 5 gallon aquarium, we decided to jump into it again and absolutely love it.