Rank Info
This picture looks better than 19.36% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.85
This picture has been rated : 148 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
Glass tank of 5.5. feet length , triangular shaped quarter circle, 3.5 feet height and 4 feet width, bare bottom with only discus in it.
Keep trying don't give up... Ask for advise and then follow your instincts
Fish Kept:
All tropical varieties, discus, chicilids, and planted tanks experimenting with marine now
High light plants that have medium to high demands
Tank Size:
150 gallons
Welcome to the ebst hobby in the world...
About Yourself:
I am a telecom professional,
once got some cash ($4) as a gift and I passed by the fish store, rest is history, i was 13 yrs old then..