Photo #2 - Pemco 15 Gallon Stainless Steel Frame Tank With 9...

Submitted By: Travis D. on
Photo Caption: Pemco 15 Gallon Stainless steel frame tank with 9w CFL lighting in stainless hood, Black sand, Foam filter, and Ohia wood branch. Contains 5 tiger Barbs, one green tiger barb, two Normani Lampeyes, Pipiwai (Native Hawaiian freshwater opihi[limpets]) and a few random shrimp.
fish tank picture - 55 Gallon with black sand/tan gravel substrate, java moss, giant hydra grass, and marineland 60 gallon wheel filter. Black moor, Oranda, Chocolate Oranda and Ryukin Goldfish. Mickey Mouse Platy, Zebra and Purple Passion Danios, and Pipiwai Hawaiian freshwater opihi. I had this same setup in a 45 gallon that emptied itself into my livingroom. I bought/set up this one today and took a pic.
15 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - Pemco 15 Gallon Stainless steel frame tank with 9w CFL lighting in stainless hood, Black sand, Foam filter, and Ohia wood branch. Contains 5 tiger Barbs, one green tiger barb, two Normani Lampeyes, Pipiwai (Native Hawaiian freshwater opihi[limpets]) and a few random shrimp.

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Ranked #789 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
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More Info

State: Hawaii
Country: United States
Description: 15 gallon Pemco Stainless frame tank with 2 9w CFL bulbs and sponge filter. Lots of random plants including hydra grass, java moss and some driftwood collected at the beach, as well as whatever was available at LFS. I used black sand for the substrate. 5 Tiger Barbs, 1 Green Tiger Barb, 2 Normani Lampeyes, Chinese Algae Eater, 2 Pipiwai Native Hawaiian Freshwater Opihi (limpets) and a couple "feeder shrimp" of unknown type from LFS.
Advice: Have a good cleanup crew in your tanks. Algae eater, shrimp and snails will clean up a lot of debris on their own and make maintenance minimal. Also, keep the tank where you will see them as much as possible, that way you notice any changes immediately. Also, once you plant something, leave it alone! They need some time to build up roots, or they will never get any larger.
Corals/Plants: Java Moss, Hydra Grass, various lillies
Tank Size: 15 gallons
About Yourself: Got into fishtanks back in highschool with a very neglected goldfish. I started again about 2 years ago when I found a stream full of guppies, then got Gold fish again, then an Oscar and now this tank. I currently have 6 tanks in my house ranging from 10 gallon to 45 gallons. My 15 is probably my favorite.


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