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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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Custom 3 ft tank.
local Rocks from redland bay bay.
2 filters (1xAqua One Liquid filter, 1x SHARK ADF)
Aquarworld AR-90 Aquarium light
Aqua One Thermometer
3ft airstone
Read Up before you do anything, learn about fish species prefered housing living conditions and environments and budget shop around theres always good products out there dont buy the first thing you see do your homework.
Fish Kept:
I have a african cichlid tank (with a couple of odd fish out ).
2x Tanzania Black Acei
1x Venustus
2x Maingano
2x Lemon yellows
2x Maleri Chidunga Rocks Peacocks
1x Nagara Peacock
1x Namalenje peacock
1x Blue zebra
2x electric Blue's
2x Pink Convicts (both babies and getting along with all my other fish)
1x Hongi
1x Empire Gudgeon
I have my bottom feeders which consist of two Featherfin catfish (one marble one spotted)
Algea eaters- Albino bristlenose catfish and one common bristlenose catfish.
All my fish are still juveniles, except catfish.
None Probably in the near future but since I have sand as a substrate I should not put any plants in that are not anchored to any wood.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
Lifes a Bitch ride it before it rides you. haha
About Yourself:
Im 21 F from Australia I use to breed Betta's but moved and got into cichlids through my partner. I love Decorating the inside of the tank, I have my fish tank right next to my tv its relaxing and really makes my home feel comfortable.