Photo #1 - This Is My First Planted Tank, That I've Bee...

24 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - This is my first planted tank, that i've been slowly working on for just over 6 months. The windelov's fern grows so fast and so big i'm just letting it float until i decide what to do with it. The first few months everything grew so slow i was disappointed but in the past few months everything grows so fast i'm overwhelmed. i've redesigned the tank half a dozen times trying to keep up with the plant growth as it continues to exceed my expecations.
Submitted By: Josh on
Photo Caption: This is my first planted tank, that i've been slowly working on for just over 6 months. The windelov's fern grows so fast and so big i'm just letting it float until i decide what to do with it. The first few months everything grew so slow i was disappointed but in the past few months everything grows so fast i'm overwhelmed. i've redesigned the tank half a dozen times trying to keep up with the plant growth as it continues to exceed my expecations.
24 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - This is my first planted tank, that i've been slowly working on for just over 6 months. The windelov's fern grows so fast and so big i'm just letting it float until i decide what to do with it. The first few months everything grew so slow i was disappointed but in the past few months everything grows so fast i'm overwhelmed. i've redesigned the tank half a dozen times trying to keep up with the plant growth as it continues to exceed my expecations.

Rank Info

Ranked #991 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 63.46% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.25
This picture has been rated : 174 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: The tank is a 24 gallon AquaPod, with a 32 watt Dual Daylight 6,700k/10,000k bulb, no CO2.
Advice: plan ahead!
Fish Kept: 10 neon tetras, 2 black angels, 1 golden killifish, 1 SAE, 1 ottocat, 4 blue-eyes, 1 ghost cat, and lots of little snails.
Corals/Plants: Madagascar Laceleaf, Ruffled Amazon Sword, windelov’s fern, Narrow Leaf Ludwigia, Western Milfoil, java fern, java moss, and riccia
Tank Size: 24 gallons
Quote: I find television very educational: every time someone turns it on I go into the other room and read a book.


I like it fish avatar
Very pretty. I think it's harder working with a smaller tank and you've done a great job with it! fish avatar
i think this is lovely! i could not fault it at all :) fish avatar
Hello there. Very nice one. I mean the fishtank is nice and with taste. The plants could be a bit healthy but overal you have a VERY GOOD from me. fish avatar


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