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This is my first fish tank and is 10 gallons. It has been running for 1 year and is doing well. The tank is lit by two compact florescent bulbs, and holds 5 Rasboras, 2 neon tetras, 1 Cardinal Tetra that schools with the neon’s, and 4 Amano shrimp. It uses a whisper filter and for added filtration an under gravel filter.
Some say it is harder to deal with a smaller tank and they can be right. Frequent water changes are the way to go. I had a black algae problem at first but found that by adding snails and cleaning the water conditions quickly improved.
Fish Kept:
. Neon Tetras- These have been the hardest to keep well. They seem to be more prone to disease then some of my other fish.
Harlequin Rasboras- These are great little fish that school together nicely and seem to be disease resistant
Cardinal Tetra- looks like the Neon’s and will school with them but it seems much hardier and as the Tetras pass-a-way I am replacing with cardinals.
Amano Shrimp- I started with Ghost shrimp but found their life spans to be limited. My Amano shrimp are over a year old and doing fantastic. These are great additions the aquariums and have a good personality.
I have had great luck with various swords and plants that cling to rocks. I have not lost a plant for the entire year, even with running an underground filter. If you are running an underground filter I would consider keeping the plants in their baskets or in the basket substrate.
Tank Size:
10 gallons
About Yourself:
Just an average guy who likes fish and I am starting to get ready to expand to a 29 gallon tank.