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This picture looks better than 8.02% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.8
This picture has been rated : 102 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
SPONGE FILTERS ARE AWESOME!!!! I have been using them for years. Simple, cheap and easy to maintain all the while they provide some of the best bacteria filtration.
Don't be intimidated by people that say keeping an aquarium is difficult. It really isn't but you have to maintain it that's it. Take 30 min's once a week and one can have a stable nice looking tank.
Fish Kept:
Gold Severum
Some Fake Plant
Tank Size:
26 gallons
A house on the lake and one on dem hills
About Yourself:
I live in Portland OR. I have had this 26 gal for over two years now but I have had many different tanks in the past. Most have been much larger. Yea I will be getting another tank soon. Ummmm I'm thinking a 60gal.