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This picture looks better than 51.29% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.96
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Nano Cube...It's a great system for a begginer like me. It comes with everything, mechanical and bio filters, great lights...everything. Pretty much just fill it with water and go (ok, not that easy) But I'm sure that I've avoided some growing pains because of this type of tank.
It's for fun so make sure you enjoy yourself. Do the research and plan ahead. Be patient and it will pay off. Plenty of great advice online for begginers soooo....Do the research!
Fish Kept:
2 Rosey Barbs, 1 Odessa Barb, 1 German Blue Ram, 1 Gold Chinese Algae Eaters, 1 Rainbow Shark and 1 Denison Barb
Sorry don't know their names but I have 1 plastic and 4 real plants. 1 piece of driftwood.
Tank Size:
24 gallons
Are you sure this is legal?
About Yourself:
This is my first tank. My brother (40g) and cousin (75g) both have Cichlid tanks and have been trying to get me into the hobby for a few years. I finally did and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I ever thought I would.