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The Average Score for this category is: 5.07
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United States
46 Gal Bow Front. Under Gravel filter plus Fluval 305. Pretty Basic lgiht. Blue and white gravel mix. African drift wood, Two small blue glass rocks. 1 larger clear glass rock. 1 very small patron bottle!
Go bigger if you can! hold out for the fish you really want. look around go to different shops.
Fish Kept:
4 inch managuense. 3 inch Midus. 2 inch jack dempsy. 4 inch green terror. 2 inch peral gourami. 4 inch Pleco. 3 inch pico cat. 4 inch Bala Shark. 2 inch Fire mouth. 6 tiger barbs. 2 cory cats. 2 inch krebensis. In my 3 gal there is a baby EBJD who will have all priority over the bigger tank. betta in breeder tank. will go back to 3 gal when EBJD is bigger
all fake plants
Tank Size:
46 gallons
cease the day.
About Yourself:
Professional photographer. Magazine editor. Got a small gold fish from a photo shoot. bought a bigger 12 gal for him wantedto add more fish. Gold fish died cuz i over fed him. took the hoby more seriously and fel in love with it. going bigger next year.