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United States
Hey y'all this is my mixed cichlid tank. I keep the tank around 76 degrees and the ph is a steady 7.2. The fish are extremely healthy and all have a lot of personality. With the exception and chasing every now and then, they all get along really well. It took a lot of trial and error but the plant combination seen in the tank is compatible with my current silver dollars and grows as fast as they eat it. The jungle Val is not and is slowly being eaten away faster than it can grow. The tank is 75 gallons with a Cascade 1000 canister, a whisper 100, an Orlushy 300W Heater and a NiCrew classic led light. The filter set up is as follows, coarse>Medium>Fine sponges then two layers of flu allergies biomax rings for biological filtration. I use API for fertilizer and Seachem prime for conditioner. Hope this helps and hope you enjoy the tank
Take your time and don`t rush a tank. It`ll naturally evolve on its own as you figure out what you want.
Fish Kept:
Ruby Red Peacock, Dragon Blood Peacock, Electric Blue Acara, Aureum, Sunshine Peacock, Bandit Cichlid, Bristlenose pleco, Jewel Cichlid, Silver Dollar
4 Water Sprites, 3 Amazon Swords, 2 Sparkle Swords, Anubius Jungle Val, Duckweed and Frogbit
Tank Size:
75 gallons