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This picture looks better than 67.65% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.36
This picture has been rated : 97 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
United States
72 gallon freshwater
55 gallon freshwater
29 gallon freshwater (breeding tank)
5 gallon freshwater
2.5 gallon for betta
14 gallon bio-cube
29 gallon bio-cube
Be patient and the rewards will be well worth it.
Fish Kept:
20 blue foot hermit crabs, 10 Margarita Snails. 3 nassarius snails.2 clown"s. 1 fire fish
Angels, sword tails, cory cats, pleco's,
botias, redtail shark, Kissing gouriami (19 yrs old)
small colony of green polyps. (3/24). Green mushrooms (4/4). Trumpet coral (4/4). Star polyps (4/14) Blue mushrooms (4/18). Green striped mushrooms (4/18). Pom Pom xiena (5/12). Red mushrooms (5/30)
Tank Size:
14 gallons
About Yourself:
My girlfriend and I have been in the hobby for more than 20 years apiece. We have raised everything from guppies to discus. We have multiple fresh water community tanks and 2 bio-cubes (14 and 29 gallon) set up as reefs. we are presently trying are hand at breeding angels.