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This picture looks better than 48.23% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.76
This picture has been rated : 119 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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United States
My betta tank
Marineland 5 gallon hexagon tank. Got the full setup at walmart for $20 and just had to replace the light bulb.
I got Mojito at a petsmart. Sometimes you can find some pretty amazing ones there. He was labeled as a Veil tail so I was very suprised when I realized he was almost a half moon!!
try hard
Fish Kept:
I have another 20 gallon tank, this is just for my betta and otocat
front and midground plants are all real (java moss and java fern) and the background plants are fake. I hope i can replace them once the young plants mature.
Tank Size:
5 gallons