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This picture looks better than 59.19% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.64
This picture has been rated : 11 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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United States
Hello people,
This tank I puchased about 2 years ago at a grat deal not knowing what it was going to turn into. Since then I spend ten times my initial investment, but has loved every moment. The setup below has worked well for me. Sucks that it's not 2 years devoleped since it has been moved 5 times since. Currently it has been running for about two months in the current address. I have lost many coral and fish on the way, but what I've learned from my mistakes. I can tell you I have turned into a pro on moving my reef. I will be updating my pics as the weeks go on.
Setup as follows
110 Gallon Glass-Tall
40 Gallon Refugium/Sump
Corallfe 2-150 Watt MH with acitinics
ASM Skimmer
Wavemaker with Hydor Pumps
CPR overflow (love this thing)
1/4 HP Chiller set to 79
UV Filter, Filter Sock, Algae in Sump,
PH Monitor, Fluval no spong, only used for media and extra current.
Water Change, Patience (wish I had some) and research what you buy before it turns to ruin your tank or coral.
Fish Kept:
Purple Tang, Sohal Tang, Sargasm Trigger, Mystery Wrasse, Cleaner Wrasse, Watchman Goby, Chromis, Maroon Clown, newly added mandarin goby. And the army of cleaners..
You name it, I tried it.
Currently I have a Scolymia, Dendro, Many Acans, Duncans, Wellso Brains, Maze Brains, gonipora, montipora, Blastos, many types of zoos and all types of mushrooms, Carpet Anemone, birds nets and a couple acopora.
Tank Size:
110 gallons
About Yourself:
More to come.