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United States
well lets see i got 2 whisper power filters both are 50 to 60 gollon filters.(cnt have enough filteration)no cover on the tank an the fish love it an dnt jump out or try 2..nt recomended.. i just feed the oscar from hand this is y no cover..the heater is whisper as well 30 to 60 gallon heater..
ALWAYS do your research on the fish you wood like to but an check on tankmates for them fish aswell..an never be that person who think those cute lil oscars an green terrors can survive in a 10 gallon tanks .. they get big an need room to swim an hide..
Fish Kept:
so far i got leonidas my 9 in. tiger oscar hes the king of the tank, bizarre my 2 in green terror, flash my 2 in. jack dempsy,an loco my 2 1/2 in. royal green terror.....
all fake plants for me as every oscar ive ever had moves plants around like crazy..tryd real platns once an my oscar uprooted them an they died..lol..as far as the bottom for now i got gravel bt soon will b changing over to sand as i heard its easyer 2maintan...
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
well i got into the hobby wen i was younger (8 or 9)from my uncles oscar tanks.. he always had aggresive fish (silver arrowanas, snake heads,JDs,red terrors exc., an my fav. oscars..)im 26 yrs old now an love seeing those guys in my tank