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This picture looks better than 70.93% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.45
This picture has been rated : 116 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
65 gallon tall, oak trim, custom hand painted stand, marineland magnum 350 canister filter, aqua clear 70 powerhead with aeration and filter attachments, digital thermo
get ready to spend some cheese!!!! seriously, when your tank is right you will know. kind of like that zen and harmony stuff. that feeling alone is priceless. as far as the fish go, in my opinion get what you like. the fish are like kids, some get along others get kicked out of school.
Fish Kept:
2 demosani (breeding pair)
2 blk calvus juvi
2 frontosa burundi
2 malawi eyebiters (compressiceps)
2 jeweled goby's
1 gold head comp
1 leulipi
1juli ornatus
1lrg inkpen calvus
1 silver datnoid
1common pleco
1 chinese sailfin pleco
1 syndo cat
some live, some plastic, wont even pretend to know the names
Tank Size:
65 gallons
i've got to use my imagination, to change my situation!
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