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This picture looks better than 16.63% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.75
This picture has been rated : 147 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
United Kingdom
Juwel Rekord 60, 55 litres in black with stand, 60X30X30.
Lighting and filter with tank, heater is 100w interpet thermostat heater.
Do your research BEFORE you get the fish, it helps endlessly!
Fish Kept:
1 betta splenden veiltail male - Odin
1 pitbull pleco
currently 5 sectioned off tetra (soon to swap for harlequin rasboras)
3 zebra danios, again possibly swapping, for dwarf neon rainbows (praecox), or maybe golden danios.
I forget what I have.....vallis.....I forget the rest
Tank Size:
14 gallons
About Yourself:
An artist of sorts.