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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
a 10G reg fish tank with a tetra whisper 5-15G aquariums filter, a 50watt tetra heater, and a tetra air pump. i am currently working on a 38G tank.
i also have three betta tank, and a little barb/tetra tank
be patient, #1 thing to having a good tank (unfortunitly i know ='(-)
Fish Kept:
right now i have a CT betta, a DT betta, a VT betta, and three female bettas, two CT and one VT.
in my little barb/tetra tank i have, two cherry barbs and 3 head and tail light tetras.
10G platy, green fire tetra, a some guppys, 11 guppy fry, some F bettas.
i have a java swordplant, a twisted vallis plant, and some sorta lilypad plant, along woth three fake plants
Tank Size:
10 gallons
About Yourself:
i have had bettas my whole life, but i just got a CT about 6 months ago