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This picture looks better than 56.33% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.08
This picture has been rated : 287 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
This tank has been up and running for a lillte over 6 month now.I got this tank from a buddy who was moving and couldn't take his tank or his fish. He ended up gettiong a smaller tank, So He wanted his fish back. I went out and started buying fish that I thought looked good. Now that there are bigger, I can tell they are all males and the Aggression in the tank Is very high. I have decided to start cleaning house and only keeping a few. In the end I hope to have 3-5 Species with a ratio of 1m/2or3f. I just got a new filter and some more tuffa rock. I still need more rock
Fish Kept:
2 Pseudotropheus Polit
1 Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef
1 Cynotilapia afra "Blue Reef"
1 Pseudotropheus sp. "Elongatus Chewere"
1 Pseudotropheus Scolofi Albino
1 Pseudotropheus flavus
Tuffa Rock
Tank Size:
55 gallons