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United Kingdom
48"x24"x18" Tank, custom made lid. Arcadia 42" fluorescent Light, Fluval U4 underwater filter. Hi-Tech 4500 duo air pump (one curtain and one disc). 3" black substrate mixed with crush coral. Variety of rocks free from the local beach!! Assortment of plastic plants. Broken ceramic pots, easter island head and bog wood.
Research, research, research. You will make mistakes and it takes time....Listen to petshop advice but its not gospel....commission.
Fish Kept:
3 x Tilapia Buttikoferi, 2 x Yellow labs, 1 x powder blue cichlid, 3 x red zebras, 2 x golden cichlids, 2 x Brichardi Cichlid, Albino, 1 x Acei, 1 x long finned golden pleco, 1 x pleco, 1 x Pudamilia (i think), 1 x dogtooth cichlid (sold to me as a female powder blue), 1 x compressiceps (unidentified/ has shape and similar markings) 1 x rusty cichlid, 5 x Tiger Barbs, Banded Leporinus, Frontosa. All fish stiil young. recently added two male electric blue Johanni Cichlid and a nimbochromis venustus
Assorted plastic plants.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
Been into fish since 16. Started with siamese and moved to more fresh water with success. Always wanted to deal with cichlids and tried with Discus...big mistake. Set up tank 6mths ago and loving it!!. Hoping to get a 6ft tank soon (if you are reading this hun....it will happen)