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United States
Tank interior dimensions are: 6 feet long X 2 Feet wide X 2 Feet tall, Large artificial plants; good hiding spots, also duck weed as a cover plant, Fluval FX5 for filtration, its always a good idea to have a larger then needed filter, FX5 is a very good mechanical and Bio filter. 3 psi air pump for 3 bubble bars, air is only kept on part of the day, Lighting system is a coralife system used mostly in marine setups but its real beneficial in growing the cover plant I have and also helps with fish coloration and health.
Start small with simple fish. Get to know everything there is to know about your setup to benefit the health of your tank and good form there.
Fish Kept:
In my 180 I have a Jardini Arowana, Polypterus Senegalus, 2 archer fish, South American mosaic gar (which is actually not a true gar), a large 14 inch chocolate pleco.
Duck Weed
Tank Size:
180 gallons
About Yourself:
I can say that I am crazy about fish and I haven't met to many people that share my enthusiasm. I like to know everything there is to know about what I have. I started with a half gallon tank years ago with some small minnows. Then upgraded to a 10 gallon tank which seemed like a big deal now I have a 180 gallon tank that weighs over 2,000 ponds.