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The Average Score for this picture is: 2.97
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
both tank's are all glass brand, bioplate under gravel filtratin whisper 6 hang on back of tank and also a magnum 350 all on the 90. only a emperor 400 on the 75 both have marineland 250 w heaters
learn about filtration and the diff kinds of it and fiugure out which is best for your tank
Fish Kept:
10 blood parrots, 2 purple parrots,
3 choclate cichlid's,1 rainbow shark,
2 clown loach's, 2 pleco's, and a pair of orange pecock's
no plants in 90 just lace rock and bog woodand small natural gravel. The 75 has black sand with neon and glow in the dark fake plants.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
yep yep
About Yourself:
always enjoy fish and enjoy having a colorfull tropical fish and establishing as natural a habitat for them