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This picture looks better than 60.44% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.15
This picture has been rated : 134 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
United Kingdom
1400 EF External Filter,2 x 39W T5HO Lights,10 Hour photo period,2 hr siesta, and Reflectors, Hydor 150W Heater,JBL Aquabasis Plus,Fine Gravel.EI fertilization, No CO2 injection.
Research. Then have a go!
Fish Kept:
Peppered Cory Cat, Zebra Danio, Panda Cory Cat, S.A..E, Red Phanthom Tetra,Rainbows, Bristlsnose Catfish.
Vallisneria Spiralis, Saggitaria Subulata, Hygrophela Polysperma,Anubias Barteri v. Nana,Microsorium Pteropus,Limnobium Spongia,Pistia Stratiotes, Amazon Sword,cryptocoryne Undulata,and others.
Tank Size:
37 gallons
About Yourself:
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