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This picture looks better than 30.14% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.59
This picture has been rated : 32 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
United Kingdom
55 Gallon Eheim Aquarium.
60Kg Live Rock.
10Kg Coral Chips.
(Lighting) Arcadia Luminare.
(Filter) Eheim 2028.
2 x Eheim Power Heads.
1x 200watt Jager Heater.
1x Red Sea Prizm Skimmer.
Be patient with your Aquarium at the beginning do not over crowd until filters and water quality matures.
Fish Kept:
1 Clark's Clown.
1 Bicolor Chromis.
1 Bicolor Angel.
1 Bannana Wrasse.
1 Sailfin Tang.
1 Cleaner Shrimp.
6 Turbo Snails.
12Blue Mushroom Corals.
1 Hawaiian Feather Duster.
Tank Size:
50 gallons
Gibraltar Forever!
About Yourself:
Started with my 1st Tank which was given to me on my Communion Day by my Dad!
From then onwards i was hooked, this was 28 years ago!
Now slowly changing to Marine Aquariums still love fresh water but been too long with it and getting a bit board.