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This picture looks better than 14.56% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.65
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.37
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United States
I have a new 55 gallon aqueon fish tank it is 48inches in length and 21inches in height and 13 inches in width.It has 2 24" full hood with reflectors.My filter is a power filter55 the flow rate is 325 gallons per hour.I have a whisper air pump that is connected to a 10" bubble wall and a 5" round air stone.
if you what to start a fishtank start small and work your way up i started at a 10 gallon and now have a 55 gallon.
Fish Kept:
just for now i have and 2 angelfish,4 neon's, 1 sucker fish,3 Red Minor Serape Tetra,2 hatchets,1 Emerald Green Cory Cat
Tank Size:
55 gallons