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This picture looks better than 68.99% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.42
This picture has been rated : 104 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
More Info
United Kingdom
Juwel 240 Litre Tank (120mm x 55mm x 40mm)
Filtration; 1 xAqua One Aquis 1000 Canister filter and 1 x Aqua One Aquis 550 Canister Filter.
Lighting; 1 x ordinary fluorescent tube, 1 x Plant Growth tube
2 x 200w Heaters
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Fish Kept:
3 Angel Fish (1male, 2 female which fight quite a bit)
2 Rainbow Fish (1m, 2f)
1 Platy
2 Bala Sharks
1 Tyre Track Eel
5 Dalmatian Guppies
5 Rummy Nosed Tetra's
5 Glowlight Tetra's
5 Neon Tetra's
5 Tetra's (forgot type)
3 Pleco's
7 Algae Eating Shrimp
6 Glass Catfish
2 Microsorum pteropus
1 Myriophllum mezianum
2 Vallisneria spiralis
1 Bacopa caroliniana
1 Limnophilia sessiliflora
4 Forgot the name
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Don't have one
About Yourself:
I like Fish