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This picture looks better than 30.97% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.26
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.23
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United States
tall 29 gallon. All stuff given to me by someone who got sick of his fish. The tank had half an inch of calcium. With a ton of work I got it clean. Vinegar and CLR helped and did not kill the fish after many washings.
Do a lot of research before you do anything.
Fish Kept:
Ghost knife, angel, marbel molly, butterfly molly?, 2 neon gouramis, pleco, 2 albino cat cories.
various plants real and fake plants. Want to get more real ones.
Tank Size:
29 gallons
I wonder what tomorrow has in mind for me, or am I even in its mind at all
About Yourself:
I had a tank that I barely remember when I was a kid now I'm back at it, for the last 6 months. I love to see the personalities of each fish and watch them in their world. It makes my world much less stressful.