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This picture looks better than 12.82% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.01
This picture has been rated : 290 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
my 75 gallon has 2 rays, redtail catfish, redtail/TSH hybrid, clarius catfish, giant gourami, blue eyed one lined catfish, clown knifefish and 2 plecos.
My 150 gallon has 22" redtail catfish, 20" silver arrowana, 17" albino giant gourami and 18" pacu
Do research before you do or buy anything.
Fish Kept:
marine- corals, inverts, sharks, eels and many other fish.
tropical all types apart from discus.
coldwater- started with goldfish, now have 3000 gallon koi pond and 600 gallon wild pond.
various mushrooms, hard and soft and clams
Tank Size:
75 gallons
God wants spritual fruit not religous nuts.
About Yourself:
I live in London, UK. My dad keep fish for years so i grew up with them, i have been keeping my own for 10 years now.