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The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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New York
United States
Pictured tank consists of a standard 38 gallon tank measuring 36"long 20"high and 12"deep, 45lbs live sand , 70lbs live rock , t5 lighting 2 actinic , 2 10,000k daylight and lunar lights both white and blue all set to timers , coralife wave maker hooked up to 2 350gph powerheads alternating side to side every 15 min. , coralife super skimmer, fluval 204 canister filter, tronic 200 watt heater , and coralife 9 watt u.v. sterilizer
Learn as much as you can and proceed in small steps.My tank is a constant work in progress , starting out with quality live sand and live rock , a must for pristine water conditions, if fish are to be kept , u.v. sterilizers are a must for the more sensitive fish, though not a complete cure to all disease it has been essential in control. water movement needs to be fairly swift, and feeding kept to every other day .Don't rush your system , give it time to adjust to new additions.The most expensive equipment is not always the best equipment.
Fish Kept:
1 5" yellow tang, 1 4"flame angel, 2 3"false percula, 2 domino damsels
2 Bubble tip anemone , 1 finger leather coral,asst. zooanthids, asst mushrooms , a bit of sponge and asst feather dusters, as well as one coral banded shrimp, and one pepper mint shrimp.Asst snails and hermit crabs for clean up.
Tank Size:
38 gallons
"It's not a hobby , it's an addiction"
About Yourself:
I started with a petland special over 15 years ago and have taken time to learn and perfect my skills. I run a catering agency and after a days work coming home to my creation and releasing my daily stresses has been great therapy.My reef has been a joy to costruct and watch grow.