Rank Info
This picture looks better than 16.18% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.25
This picture has been rated : 249 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.97
More Info
United States
90 gallon reef tank, metal halide lights, euro-reef rs135 protein skimmer, 2 power heads, 2 stealth heaters, sump, 90lbs live rock.
Find a good lfs that will support and guide you. Forget 911, Optimum Aquarium is #1 on my speed dial list.
Fish Kept:
Mimac tang, fairywrasse, filiment wrasse, sand sifting gobey, coral beauty, scooter blenny, ocellaris clowns.
yellow leather, torch coral, clam, fox coral, dented brain coral, purple mushroom, zoanthid colony, geen star polyps, red mushroom, gorgonian fan, green clove polyp, feather dusters.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
What do you mean my fish don't understand it when I talk to them? My fish love me, yes they do...just ask them and they will tell you!
About Yourself:
Started 09/06 when I received a 90 gallon reef tank for my birthday. I'm hooked... that little puddle of water has taken over my life! Soon there will be a 120 gallon fowlr tank with puffer fishes! wooo hoooo!