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South Carolina
United States
Got a 29 gallon tank from a friend and turned it into an African Cichlid tank. I used some crushed shell mixed with blue aquarum stone, embellished it with some driftwood cuttings mounted on acrylic, some fake silk aquarium plants, and a couple of large shells that I cut some windows into. I'm using a MarineLand Bio wheel 60 filter.
For those wanting to get into the hobby, start as big as you can afford, its actually easier. Research AND do what needs to be done to ensure healthy fish keeping. Don't try shortcuts unless you have money to burn or waste also.
Don't fight mother are found all over the world and have different paramters for that can't put just any and every fish togethor with success. Don't rush. Nature is slow and so should be the development of your tank into something sustainable and beautiful.
Fish Kept:
African Cichlids, Yellow Labids, Albino Zebra, Eletric Blue Johanni, An Afra, Brichardi, Kenyi, Auratus, and Synodontis lace catfish.
Fake Silk leaf types.
Tank Size:
29 gallons
DO your best Regardless of how you feel.
About Yourself:
I raised and kept African CIchids for 7-9 years then moved and just recently got back into it. Due to living conditions I can't have big tanks anymore so I'm tryin to make do with what I can do.