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This picture looks better than 45.83% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.04
This picture has been rated : 173 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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United States
3 month old reef, 80g with 20g amiracle wet/dry sump, etss reef devil 600 skimmer, koralia 3, 265w power compact lights...
let gumbii maintain your tanks... lol...
Fish Kept:
maroon clown, yellow tail damsel, two domino damsels, purple pseudochromis, two rock blennies... hermits, snails, tiger brittle star, long spine urchin, and GBTA... there's also a pistol shrimp somewhere in there...
10 different types of zoa polyps, various mushrooms including neon orange, rhodactis hairy mushrooms, leather toadstool, blushing leather coral, colt coral, large pulsating pipe organ polyps, 3 different types of star polyps, colony polyps, fox coral, two different long tentacle plate corals, neon green trumpet coral, green open brain, torch coral, hammer coral, galaxia... and others i can't remember... also coulerpa and other plants that hopefully wont take over the tank...
Tank Size:
80 gallons
"let's bust a triggies!"...
About Yourself:
gumbii's boss... lol...