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This picture looks better than 16.33% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.33
This picture has been rated : 18 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United Kingdom
Fluval Roma 200 tank, stand and hood.
1200mm wide by 300mm deep by 600mm high. External fluval 205 filter. Heater and air curtain in tank for effect.
Start simple and build up with experience. Always listen to advice from the experts. Oh, and enjoy it!
Fish Kept:
10 African Mbuna Cichlids and 1 7" Plec.
Only just started stocking Cichlids and I love them. The Plec is about 18 months old and still growing.
All natural rocks and 3 plastic plants.
Tank Size:
53 gallons
To be or not to be...
About Yourself:
I'm a Civil Engineer so I work long hours but I love to relax by watching my fish which are so theraputic.
Started when I was a kid with a bowl and a goldfish and have built up ever since. Now, 20 years on I'm still as mad as ever and have just moved onto keeping Cichlids and i'm loving it.
I'm still learning about cycling the tank and feeding habits and I would be grateful for any comments or advice you can all give.