More Info
125Gal right now with 2 300W aquaclear heaters, and Fluval FX5, Elite Optima. heaters are hidden below, check pics for description, play sand (will never go back to gravel. Pain to clean initially but well worth it. Corys loved it immediately.
Lots and Lots of research. Internet is great but find it at least 3 times to make sure its solid advice.
Fish Kept:
7 Black Skirt Tetras
5 Silver Dollars
1 Royal Pleco.
6 Peppered Corys
Looking at getting
1 Leopard Ctenopoma
Fake plants. Not much of a greenthumb yet.... i will be setting up a large tank when my livingroom is redone, i know i have silver dollars but I figure that if there is enough then they might keep me from pruning and that there is also some plants they wont eat, but need to do more research for sure before attempting.
Tank Size:
45 gallons
Its never what you need, its what you want.